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Jan 12, 2021

DO NOT buy Whole Life...You should buy term insurance and invest the difference!! How many times have you heard this? We just recently had a client call and say he was going to do exactly this. So, you know what we did....we did the MATH!! In this episode, we provide a high-level overview of what we found when comparing the following two strategies: Buy Term and Invest the Difference vs. Buy Whole Life and Invest the Cash Value. In addition to this podcast, we have included a link to a supplemental video where we dive deep into the numbers: BTID vs. BWLICV Video.

This is Part One of a Two-Part Series. In Part Two we will look at ways in which we can optimize the Buy Whole Life and Invest the Cash Value strategy as well as how to maximize your cash flow in retirement.


Buy Term Invest the Difference Video 

How IBC Works 

Becoming Your Own Banker by Nelson Nash 

Infinite Wealth Podcast Podcast | Infinite Wealth Consultants

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