Jun 27, 2023
Has anyone ever told you that life insurance is more expensive than term insurance? Whoever told you that was looking at it wrong!
This week Anthony and Cameron demonstrate the difference between life and term insurance using real illustrations so that you can see how your wealth is affected long term with a policy.
Jun 20, 2023
This week Anthony and Cameron welcome Todd Langford, CEO and Founder at Numbers Analytic Inc. and Truth Concepts Software as well as Co-Founder of the Summit for Prosperity Economics Advisors which shows advisors how to compare and contract financial strategies. While discussing financial strategies you will learn how...
Jun 13, 2023
What is more important, building your net worth or cash flow? Net worth is highly valued in many conversations, but people fail to talk about what builds financial freedom. This week Anthony and Cameron break down what each really mean regarding wealth and what you can do to set yourself up for success. Enjoy this...
Jun 6, 2023
We are back with part 2 of our interview with America’s Rabbi, Daniel Lapin. Lapin offers a unique view on wealth, believes that everyone should achieve it, and helps others do so. This week Lapin debunks the idea that it is bad to care about money and explains how he taught his own children about money. Enjoy this...