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May 26, 2020

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In this episode we review pages 51 – 63 of Nelson Nash’s “Becoming Your Own Banker.” We dive deep into the equipment financing section where Nelson proves the more we use the policy the better it gets. This idea is counter intuitive to most and so Nelson dedicates these pages to show readers what happens when we start to take control of the banking function of our business and the results will surprise you.

20% of results are from the product we are using/80% of results are from the way we use it
There is only one pool of money
Think of premiums as “Capital for your business”
Most people are building equity in the wrong place
The more you use it the better it gets

“Business’ come and go – but banking is eternal”
“Everyone should be in two business’ - the one in which you make your living and the other should be the banking business that finances whatever you do for a living”

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Becoming Your Own Banker by Nelson Nash  

Equipment Financing Video Link